Follow the wizard and select FreeFileSync.exe as program to run. But it is quite unworkable for multiple time differences. Go to Start Control Panel Scheduled Tasks and select Add Scheduled Task. Version 6.8+ is suitable if only one time zone or DST difference is involved. This is a problem for users such as myself who work in multiple time zones, so different files may be offset from the archived copy by a different number of hours - plus or minus the current DST status - in the same sync operation. * Version 6.8+ cannot handle multiple time zone differences in the same file set, possibly with DST as an additional factor. Now the user must change the time setting in each configuration if they move to a different time zone. This is extra work compared to 6.7 where handling time differences was set globally for all configurations. * Each configuration must be set individually. If the differences are caused by changing the time zone, enter one or more. Instead, there is an option for each configuration to ignore one and only one time difference (in whole hours). FreeFileSync supports additional synchronization scenarios via a command line.
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Beginning in 6.8, this is no longer automatic and no longer covers multiple differences. FreeFileSync is a free open source data backup software which helps you compare and synchronize files and folders on Windows. Version 6.7 and earlier ignored both time zone and DST differences in the same synch operation. Other posts have addressed time differences, but I am creating this new topic to highlight a particular aspect of the issue.