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Specifications: ©2022 Respective owners and brand holders. Remember to always keep your devices firmware up to date so you can benefit from the very latest service and security enhancements - and get exciting new features! about updating new firmware. In addition, the ultra-small USB-BT400 comes with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, which lets you enjoy energy-saving connectivity.
Get the latest official Broadcom ASUS USB-BT400 bluetooth drivers for Windows 11 10 81 8 7 Vista XP PCs. Choose to select the location of the new driver manually and browse to the folder where you downloaded the driver.
The ASUS USB-BT400 provides new and advanced Bluetooth 4.0 and enables wireless connectivity with a wide range of devices such as computers, printers, phones, headsets, speakers, keyboards, controllers, and more. Asus Usb Bt400 Bluetooth Driver V 12 0 1 658 Download For Windows Deviceinbox Com Forum My drivers Search Link. Get Bluetooth 4.0 and connect with multiple devices In dual-mode, the USB-BT400 maintains full backward compatibility with Bluetooth 3.0, 2.1, and 2.0. It connects you with a multitude of compatible devices and supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to reduce power consumption. The USB-BT400 is a Bluetooth Smart Ready USB adapter with new Bluetooth 4.0 capabilities.

New generation Bluetooth 4.0 for versatile wireless connectivity Bluetooth Low Energy technology for energy-saving wireless connectivity.Enables wireless communication with Bluetooth-enabled computers, printers, phones, headsets, speakers, keyboards, controllers, and more.Advanced Bluetooth 4.0 adapter, backward compatible with Bluetooth 2.0/2.1/3.0.